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Why essential oils

Through photosynthesis, plants are able to turn nutrients into aromatic compounds, stored in various

parts (such as stem, bark, amber, leaves, flowers and seeds). The extracts are called essential oils.

Essential oils are extracted from aromatic and vibrant plants. There are over 250 types of essential oil

molecular structures,existing at different ratios and concentrations, allowing each essential oil to have

different properties.

This in turn havedifferent effects on the body. 

The use of essential oils

Essential oil molecules can be as small as 1/5000 millimeter, smaller than the pores of our skin.

By passing through the pores, the molecules can reach the dermis layer within three minutes,

five minutes to blood and lymphatic system, and excreted in 4-8 hours. It therefore doesn't leave

residuals in the body, egested along with waste and impurities.

When walking into a dense forest, the freshness and vitality can be felt. This is because the trees

emitts aromatic molecules (phytoncides) that enters the body, activating the senses and brain,

the aroma turns into signals, memories, and allowing the body to reach balance and harmoney.


Difficult to extract therefore precious

Quality essential oil are extracted through steam distillation, without chemical cleansers.

Examples: To extract 1 kilogram of rose essential oil requires 4500 kilograms of rose petals

(approximately 1 hectare of rose field) ; 1 kilogram of lavender essential oil uses about

150 kilograms of lavender floral buds; 1 kilogram of jasmine essential oil are obtained from

8 million flowers that are handpicked at dawn, sandalwood essential oils are extracted from

the bark of trees that has been grown for 30 years.

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