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Romarin a cineol 100 %

Volume : 10ml / 30ml / 100ml


Harvest region : France (natural cultivation)


Parts used : flower, leaves

About the product

​A shrub of the genus Rosemary in the Lamiaceae family, native to the Mediterranean coast. Its original Latin name means

"morning dew of the sea" due to it's water loving nature. Its woody stems can grow up to 90 centimeters tall, with silver-green needle-like leaves and light blue petals. When there's a light breeze, a clear woody aroma reminiscent of the ocean is emitted.

Most of the rosemary essential oils are produced in France, Spain, Tunisia.

In Europe, rosemary is most commonly used in meat cooking, due to its aroma, and the flavours that lightens heavy dishes.

It is also an excellent cleansing plant, and the tradition of burning rosemary in hospitals was maintained in France until the

beginning of this century.

Rosemary has a clear, strong and penetrating fresh aroma, which can inspire thoughts and energises, therefore giving it the

nickname 'memory grass'.

It is also a must-have essential oil after childbirth, which can help with skin firming and enlightens the body. It is also used by

dancers and athletes to relieve tired muscles.

It is widely used in natural plant-based shampoo and bath products.

Suitable for : face, head, body, bathing, vapouriser and diffuser


How to use : Face : add 1 small drop to face cream, mix, then use on face and neck as needed avoiding the eye area


                      Head : blend with peppermint in 1:1 ratio, then use on forehead, temples, philtrum, back of head and neck.


                      Hair : Add 1 drop to shampoo to cleanse the hair, or can use 1 drop to massage onto hair and scalp


                      Body : During monthly discomfort, can blend 1:1 ratio with clary sage essential oil and use on abdomen


                                  Can be blended with grapefruit essential oil and use on lower body as needed

                                  Can be blended with fennel essential oil and use on abdomen


                      Bath : add 2-3 drops to bathing or showering water

​Blends well with : jasmine, peppermint, clary sage, marjoram, grapefruit, juniper, basil, and fennel essential oils for

                              synergistic effects

​Precautionery advice : Pregnant women and patients with epilepsy should avoid use

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