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Genevrier erige 100 %

Volume:10ml / 30ml / 100ml     


Harvest region : France (wild)

Parts used : Berries

About the product

Shrubs of the Cupressaceae family and the genus Juniperus. The moderately sized juniper trees generally grow up to 1.8 meter in

the Arctic region. Today, juniper is found all over the world.

It has a red trunk, needle-like leaves, small yellow flowers, and berries blue in colour. After two years the berries matures, turns to

a black colour and is ready for distillation. The best essential oil is distilled from the fruit and is commonly produced in Hungary

and France, Italy, Yugoslavia and Canada.

Juniper essential oil has a clean, fresh, and slightly woody scent. It can cleanse the environment and provide positive energy, supporting the mind during challenging times. This makes the oil suitable for professions such as those in the service industries, medical, and corporate sales.

In addition to purifying the soul, juniper berry essential oil is also traditionally used to help balance and cleanse the body. It is therefore suitable for people who sit or stand for long periods of time and middle aged men.

It is also an essential oil used in beauty and wellness, and can be blended with essential oils such as grapefruit and geranium for body vitality and reduce muscle tension.

Juniper essential oil can also be blended with clary sage to support women during particular times of the month.

Suitable for : body, bath, vapouriser and diffuser

How to use : Body : Rub a small amount directly onto the abdomen, lower abdomen, thighs, knees or area near the pelvius.

                                  Those with sensitive skin should blend with some base oil before directly applying to skin.


                       Bath : add a few drops to warm water

​Blends well with : Carrot, celery, frankincense, rosemary, grapefruit, geranium, cypress, lemongrass, clary sage and other

                              essential oils for synergistic effects


​Precautionery advice : not suitable for those undergoing kidney dialysis, or during pregnancy 

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